Tag «Regulator»

Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge: Highlander Defeat and Patriot Victory

In the predawn fog of February 27, 1776, battle-crazed Scots, like warrior clad berserks of old, shattered the night in a sudden roar. As many had done at Culloden, they charged with claymores (35-inch double-edged broadswords) and dirks. The Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge, 18 miles northwest of Wilmington, North Carolina, had begun. Scot Tories, …

Founding Fathers: America’s First One Percent

The colonists, during the period building up to the American Revolutionary War, were becoming more and more aggressive towards England. However, before Great Britain and Parliament rattled the chains that ‘enslaved Americans and gained the vexation of those seeking liberty’, there was another class of individuals better suited to and far more deserving of the …